The Netherlands, Indonesia
Desk study on forests, deforestation and certification (worldwide, with special reference to Indonesia), for The Borneo Initiative (TBI).
The Netherlands
Participate in the Timber Procurement Assessment Committee (TPAC), advising the Dutch State Secretary of Environment on conformity of timber certification systems in view of their appropriateness for the Dutch Timber Public Procurement Policy, for Stichting Milieu Keur (SMK), The Netherlands.
The Netherlands, Indonesia
Desk study on forests, deforestation and certification (worldwide, with special reference to Indonesia), for The Borneo Initiative (TBI).
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chili, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Sweden
Desk studies on the Sustainable Forest Management certification systems of PEFC-Austria, PEFC-Belgium, PEFC-Finland (FFCS), PEFC-France, PEFC-Germany, PEFC-Chili (CERTFOR) and PEFC-Sweden, Canada (SFI, CSA, FSC) and Gabon (FSC, ITTO), for Keurhout, The Netherlands.
Desk studies on Legal and/or Sustainable Forest Management concerning forests concessions of MTCS (Malaysia) and the related CoC, for Keurhout, The Netherlands.
Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, CAR, Cameroon, Congo, Denmark, DRC, Germany, France, PNG, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, Tanzania, UK
Desk studies concerning legal verification systems (Legal Origin and/or Legal Compliance) for forests concessions and/or related CoC including SGS-TLTV, SmartWood-Rain Forest Alliance, BVQ-OLB and Certisource-Indonesia, FSC-Controlled Wood, for Keurhout, The Netherlands.