Evaluation Missions




Final Evaluation of the MFA-NL supported Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) program 2012-2017

The Netherlands and DGIS partner countries; field visits to Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda.

Keywords: EIAs, SEAs, institutional capacity development, policy and strategy development, sustainable development.


Natural Resources and Environmental Governance (NREG) Sector Budget Support Programme Phase I (2008 - 2012)

Ghana; covering the Environmental, Forestry and Mining sectors.

Keywords: EIAs; SEAs; institutional capacity development; policy and strategy development; SFM; forest degradation; forest governance; illegal logging, illegal mining and poaching; forest and biodiversity conservation; wildlife management and corridor establishment; forest plantation establishment and maintenance; PES and REDD+; forest certification; FLEGT/VPA and EUTR. For DGIS on behalf of CML.


Pilón Lajas project

Bolivia (mission leader); DGIS.

Keywords: national park and buffer zone management; indigenous vs settlers interests, sustainable use natural resources, agroforestry, ntfp's, wildlife, commercialisation of forest products, biodiversity, ecotourism, gender, rural development, project management.

Proyecto Utría Regional (PUR project)

Colombia (mission leader); DGIS.

Keywords: studies and projects on sustainable management of coastal zone, mangrove and aquatic ecosystems; biodiversity; ecotourism; wildlife; indigenous and black populations; participatory approach (research, communications); strategic planning; project management.





Final Evaluation of the Environmental Governance and Mainstreaming Project in Sierra Leone (2011 - 2016)

Sierra Leone; covering the mainstreaming of environmental governance and development of environmental and climate change related policies.

Keywords: institutional capacity development, environmental and climate change related policy- and strategy development, policy coherence and harmonisation, environmental governance and law enforcement, pollution, mining, soil erosion, deforestation, sustainable agriculture and agro-forestry, EIAs and SEAs, climate change and REDD+, sustainable funding, awareness creation, poverty reduction.


Final Evaluation of the Natural Resources and Environmental Governance (NREG) Sector Budget Support Programme Phase II (2013 - 2015)

Ghana; covering the Environmental, Forestry and Mining sectors.

Keywords: institutional capacity development, policy and strategy development, legal reform, FLEGT/ VPA implementation and EUTR compliance, multi-stakeholder dialogue, SFM, forest degradation, forest governance, illegal logging, illegal mining and poaching, forest and biodiversity conservation, wildlife management and corridor establishment, forest plantation establishment and maintenance, PES and REDD+, forest certification, Public Procurement Policy, sustainable funding sector and sector agencies


Independent evaluation of the EU-Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan, through a consortium of TEREA, S-FOR-S and Topperspective (S-FOR-S delivering 4 out of 7 consultants), contracted through the European Forest Institute (EFI).

Scope: 12 years of FLEGT implementation (2003 -2014), covering all 7 FLEGT areas in VPA countries, non-VPA producer countries, consumer countries and EU Member States.

Keywords: forest governance, illegal logging and trade, poverty alleviation, support to producer countries, promoting trade in legal timber through VPAs, TLAS, EUTR, timber public procurement policies, private sector initiatives, financing and investment, legislative instruments, conflict timber.

Including field missions to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cameroon, China, Colombia, France, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy, Ivory Coast, the Netherlands, Romania, the UK and Vietnam, as well as studies on Australia, Canada, Chile, Guyana, Honduras, India, Liberia, PNG, Russia and the USA and delivery of the final main report in English, French and Spanish.




Monitoring and Evaluation of the project “Improving Social Responsibility Agreements (SRA) in support of a functional VPA”.

Ghana; For EU-FAO-FLEGT on behalf of Ghana Forestry Commission.

Keywords: Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT); Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), Social Responsibility Agreement (SRA); legal logging; conditions for FLEGT compliance; benefit sharing; compensation of forest fringe communities.


Support for Community Forestry and Wildlife Management Project.

Mozambique; (FAO-project GCP/MOZ/056/NET)

Keywords: sustainable management and use of natural resources (forest, wildlife), conservation of biodiversity, community forestry methodology development, capacity building, gender, strengthening of forestry research and education.


Potosí Community Forestry Project.

Bolivia; (FAO-project GCP/BOL/030/NET)

Keywords: sustainable use of natural resources in the high Andes, agroforestry, horticulture, soil- and water conservation, gender, rural development, income generation and poverty reduction, project management.




Sustainable Forest Management Partnership Ghana.

Ghana; partnership of RUDEYA, KWC, WG, ASNAPP, FOE-Ghana

Keywords: SFM, forest governance, SRA's, community mobilization, NTFPs, income generation and livelihood development, forest certification, legality verification, FLEGT and EUTR; strategy development and institutional strengthening.




Argentina, Antarctica and their Living Oceans II (AALO-II) programme.

Argentina; (WWF-project AR0856.01)

Keywords: establishment and management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas, Marine Spatial Planning, species conservation (whales, dolphins, migratory and sea birds, sharks and rays), Sustainable fisheries (hake, squid, krill),MSC certification, capacity building, sustainable market development, climate change adaptation and mitigation.


Argentina, Antarctica and their Living Oceans (AALO) programme.

Argentina; (WWF-project IP.1579)

Keywords: strategies for marine conservation, sustainable fisheries certification (MSC), coastal and marine PA establishment and management, biodiversity conservation, livelihoods and eco-tourism development, climate change adaptation and mitigation, institutional support, capacity building, awareness creation.


Guianas Sustainable Natural Resources Management Programme.

Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname; (WWF-project 9L0807)

Keywords: SFM, forest conservation, forest governance, forest certification, gold mining pollution abatement, PA establishment and management, fresh water management and conservation, species management and conservation, wetlands management and conservation, REDD+ and climate change, education and communication.


Black Rhino Range Expansion Project

South Africa; WWF-project ZA1283

Keywords: black rhino conservation; population management; poaching and illegal trade; translocations; range management; range expansion; community involvement and income generation; eco-tourism; research; institutional support; programme management, stakeholder relations; for WWF-South Africa.


African Rhino Programme

Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe; WWF-project 9F0104.01

Keywords: rhino conservation; population management; poaching and illegal trade; translocations; range management; research; eco-tourism; community involvement and income generation; institutional support; programme management, inter-office and stakeholder relations. Field studies in South Africa and Zimbabwe; desk studies on 15 projects in Kenya, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia; for WWF International.

Guianas Biodiversity Conservation Programme

French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname; WWF-project 9L0807

Keywords: Forest conservation, sustainable forest management and forest certification (FSC, Legal), gold mining pollution abatement, protected area establishment and management, marine turtle conservation, patrolling against illegal activities, biodiversity, livelihoods, eco-tourism, programme management, inter-office and stakeholder relations; for WWF Guianas (Suriname, French Guiana, Guyana).


WWF Marine and Coastal Programme

Argentina; implemented by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina

Keywords: Marine Protected Area management, sustainable fishery (hake, squid), certification (MSC), bycatch reduction (dolphins, turtles, rays, sharks), sustainable tourism; for WWF-Argentina.

Kinabatangan Landscape Conservation Initiative

Malaysia (Sabah); WWF-project MY0152

Keywords: Forest conservation, human-elephant conflict management, habitat and protected area management, patrolling against illegal activities, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, forest restoration, tree nurseries, livelihoods, eco-tourism, project management; for WWF-Malaysia.


South West Amazon Project

Brazil; WWF-project BR092502, also known as "The Acre project"

Keywords: Forest conservation, sustainable forest management, social forestry, NTFP's (rubber, copaiba oil, Brazil nuts), biodiversity, forest certification (FSC), Global Forest Trade Network, livelihoods, project management; for WWF-The Netherlands/ WWF-Brazil.


Tigers Alive Project

Malaysia (Peninsular); WWF-project MY163C

Keywords: Tiger conservation, human-tiger conflict management, habitat and wildlife management, sustainable forest management, biodiversity, livelihoods, project management; for WWF Malaysia.

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